Friday, September 7, 2012

Screenwriting Seminar - Sept. 29

Screenwriting Seminar
Saturday, September 29

9:00 am - 12:30 pm — Structure Your Screenplay like the Pros
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm — 101 Most Common Screenwriting Mistakes

Location: ActivSpace 18th St. at Treat Ave., San Francisco

Structure Your Screenplay like the Pros
After reading thousands of screenplays, there’s no doubt that the scripts that studios are willing to pay for and turn into movies are the ones that have the best story structure. People who say they “don’t want to be constrained by structure” are making a huge rookie mistake by ignoring what Hollywood is looking for. In this seminar, you’ll learn not only how to structure your screenplay like a professional, but also how to use that knowledge to break the rules creatively.

You will take home: Convenient structural guide, detailed handouts explaining all course principles, several examples of how structure has worked in successful movies.

101 Most Common Screenwriting Mistakes
As a professional script reader, I see the same screenwriting mistakes over and over. They range from minor distractions to problems that are big enough to make a reader throw away your script immediately. Every screenplay reader wants to love your script, but is also looking for any excuse to pass on it. Don’t give them that excuse! In this seminar, you’ll learn what mistakes to avoid, as well as how to write a script that any reader will love.

You will take home: A list of all 101 screenwriting mistakes, as well as a bonus list of additional mistakes you should avoid after your script is finished.

Cost – $69 apiece or just $119 for both seminars!

Anyone who attends one of these seminars will receive a $20 discount on any of my script analysis services; people who attend both seminars will receive a $50 discount!

To register for one or both of these seminars, please write to

Phil Dyer is a professional script reader who provides story analyses for San Andreas Films and the Academy of Art University screenwriting department, as well as being a reader for the respected Bluecat Screenplay Competition.  

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this post. Lengthy yes, but full of information. The right information that one needs when they need to write a screenplay.
